Friday, April 19, 2013

Amazing Boyfriend

Yes I love him and he loves me and almost everybody knew about us. We cuddle, we hug and we kiss under the sunlight and under the moon. Indeed love is in the air. If only I could let the world know that I have an 'AMAZING BOYFRIEND'. I really wanted to post our pictures on facebook, instagram and other social networking sites. I want to go out feeling 'lovey-dovey'. Holding hands and his arms wrap around me.

 I wish I was not that scaredy cat  to tell my parents that we are together. What's holding me back? MY PARENTS. They are not bad people in fact they love me so much. I'm really close to them and treated me as if I'm still a baby. I know forever I will always be their baby but they are putting me in an uncomfortable situation. This is kind of over acting but its as if I have to choose between my guy and my beloved parents. They knew already or at least they have heard from other people that I'm engaging to this kind of activity I guess they're waiting for me to tell them. I just don't have the courage to tell them yet. Every time they open up a topic  like relationships and the like I'm acting as if I've never been to one or I don't care at all. Its awkward and its CRAZY. I know its hurting my guy but he is still giving me time to pile up my guts. What a very patient guy. Sometimes I wished I was a guy so that I will not be afraid to tell my parents that I have someone special. The only way to solve this is just to stand up fro my guy. I just also want my parents to know that he is not just my best friend , he is my 'AMAZING BOYFRIEND'.

"Love is patient,love is kind, and is not jealous; love does not brag and is not arrogant, does not act unbecomingly; it does not seek its own, is not provoked, does not take into account a wrong suffered, does not rejoice in unrighteousness, "
--Paul in The Holy Bible, I Corinthians 13:4-7